Wednesday, October 24, 2012

9:02 AM

Do You Know the Best Way to Engage Your Users? 

Do you know the best way to encourage users to interact with your brand or business? You got it: Contests! That’s what we discover when we did a survey of more than 800 Short Stack users. That outcome didn't surprise us – because we look every day how contest can growth Likes and inspire sharing. What surprised us was that 38% of answered who participated in our survey have never run a contest. By the way images took second spot in the battle contest and wall subjects took third.

What else did we learn?

  • 72% of answerers think they “could do improve” with their social media efforts
  • 51% have tried photo contests
  • 62% use customs tabs to lure their fans
  • 14% of users use video for their contests

If you are interesting to know the best way to engage your users, check out below infographic

Interact Users Infographic