Sluggish Landing Pages
A page that takes forever to load will make even the most interested visitors scram without looking back. Besides, the problem of slow landing page is not something that cannot be corrected. By reducing the loading time of your ecommerce website, it will have a huge impact in retaining the number of potential clients.
Poor Browsing On Some Browsers
A good number of users go for chrome but there are some who still user older browsers. a common mistake by ecommerce web developers is that they overlook the performance of their ecommerce site in different browsers. This will again limit the number of potential customers visiting your site. So the results of the ecommerce website must be checked in all browsers.
Inappropriate Design
Ecommerce websites are all about trade so you can expect to see a lot of visitors aka buyers. Now if the website has unattractive or poor design, it will fail to register in the minds of first time visitors. One cannot deny the importance of web design.
Few Images
The best way to turn visits to leads is by adding relevant product images in the ecommerce website. How else could you expect to convince the uninterested buyer? Whatever the product is, there must be sufficient images from different angles otherwise, the user can simply switch away to any other ecommerce website.