Tuesday, December 4, 2012

6:31 AM

SEO For Local Business Promotion

When your business has a local reach, there is no point in trying to make it global. Once your business gets global, you can make use of that resource as well. As for a local business, you just can’t afford to waste your limited resources for spreading it globally. Your prospects are right there, in your locality, neighborhood, and within your city. But a pressing question is that Google or any other search engine can’t differentiate between local and global sites, then how can you get local while promoting your business.

In this regard, SEO consulting services steps forward to assist. The keywords containing the name of location (city, town or state) will do the trick here. For instance, if you are a law firm located in Brisbane, you can use keywords like “law firm Brisbane”. The local people of Brisbane will type in these three words in search engines when they seek legal help.

Also mention the name of the location within meta tags. This will again help you reach the target audience that is not available globally but locally. However, when you are stuffing the meta tags with keywords having location name, make sure the content carry those keywords as well. It’s highly important to add keywords having location names with the main body of the content.

Once you have optimized the content with location name and the main keyword, the global search engines will bring you loads of traffic. But the local search engines will prove to be a true asset. Not every local destination has its own search engines. Those localities that do have their own have their regional search engines can prove to be gold mine for locals looking forward to promote their business in the region.

This clarifies that SEO can be utilized for local business promotion. Perhaps, you have already adapted to some of these strategies. But if you haven’t, it’s highly reasonable to apply a few in order to promote your business locally.

Author Box:

Apollos Johnson is a social media marketing manager with an experience of 4 years. He is a software developer by profession who specializes in iPhone and Android game development. Games and application development for social media and Facebook is one of his passions.