Friday, March 22, 2013

1:12 AM

Bing Webmaster Tools Won't Let You Block Important URLs

Bing Webmaster Tool

Are you aware that Bing Webmaster Tools won't let you block all the URLs you want to block through the block URL tool?

If your URL is incredibly essential to Bing, it will tell you that you are out of luck - get another way of blocking the URL.

@Dingman posted a screen shot of the error he received after trying to block a URL on his site. It reads:
It seems you are trying to block URL(s) that we see as important. We do not support these blocks through the Bing Webmaster Tools, and we recommend you add a noindex meta-tag to your URL(s).

Here is a picture:
Bing Webmaster Block Important URLs

I have never seen this error before so I'd figure I share it.