But now there is new hacker team exit and they brings a jailbreak tool called “UnthreadedJB”. Which enable you to untethered jailbreak iOS 5.1 only on iPhone 4 CDMA, and UnthreadedJB only work on Linux environment. The jailbreak feat it used is found by hackers before.
The hacker team has also released a YouTube to show that their jailbreak works, and isn't phony as few (including us) had mused:
There are two guys who already proved that this is correct. - Hackers Ryan and winocm
I can confirm @UnthreadedJB works on Linux to jailbreak iPhone 4 CDMA, iOS 5.1. Not sure happy my dad will be I used his phone, but yolo
— Ryan (@rg0rd) July 27, 2013
It’s for iPhone 4 CDMA… iOS 5.1 of all things, but it’s truly novel in its implementation.There are different smartphones people used, if you have iPhone 4 CDMA and running iOS 5.1 now then UnthreadedJB can assists you to get a untethered jailbreak.
— winocm (@winocm) July 27, 2013
Everyone can download the jailbreak by clicking UnthreadedJB’s team website.
Even now only fistful of folk need UnthreadedJB, but hacker’s go-getting spirit adds more hope for the hereafter jailbreak iOS 7.