Tuesday, May 6, 2014

1:32 PM

UX tricks

When setting up a store any merchant pays a great deal of his or her attention to creating a friendly and pleasant atmosphere leading to a better shopping experience for customers. You would never like to come back to a store where the staff did not treat you right or it was too difficult to find the item you were searching for.

Enjoyable shopping experience converts into higher sales. This simple rule works perfectly for Magento stores as well. The competition is tough and you should find appropriate tools to make your web-site attractive in terms of user experience.

Selecting an item, finding the best product option, choosing the right delivery date and conditions are essential parts of customer experience. Users prefer to stay well-informed on all product aspects at all stages. Who wants to spend half an hour on choosing between blue and white shirts just to find out that the store has only red ones left in stock? Or would you want to let the customer know you are expecting a new arrival of blue and white shirts on the following day?

Well, I would!

The first thing you can do to make your visitors feel updated and improve your store’s overall UX is to introduce nice looking icons communicating the product status. People love graphics as they are easy to perceive. More than that, with the help of specially crafted extensions you will be able to create as many product stock statuses for Magento as you want. Now a customer not only knows about the product availability, but also can immediately see when the next product arrival is expected. Instead of leaving to find another offer, visitors will make backorders, thus allowing you to sell more. And if you offer special discounts on selected products, vivid icons will inform the customers about them.

Magento has proved to be a great platform for a retail business. But in order to thrive your Magento store needs a personal touch. Make it a pleasant and comfortable place to shop and spend money at.